Saturday, April 10, 2010

Military Service Academies

Now the time comes when all students have to decide where they want to go (and how to get there). I suppose it helps to begin with some stipulations, like how much you can pay, where, what degrees are offered. My first stipulation is that it get me into either the Air Force or Navy, and so the obvious choices are the military service academies (next is ROTC). Their admissions processes are torturous.

It's open to US citizens, ages 17 to 23, non-pregnant, in good physical shape, good moral character and leadership skills (I was declared Evil Empress of my class, that's leadership, right?). Children of Heads of State of other countries can also apply.

They're a lot pickier than other schools, and across a wider range of merit, the admissions process includes:

  • The requirements listed above
  • SAT or ACT scores
  • Pre-Candidate Questionnaire
  • Medical Examination
  • Candidate Fitness Assesment
  • Congressional Nomination
A word on those nominations. Applicants are encouraged to collect them like stamps. You can get them from Members of Congress, Senators, Officers (if you're already in the military or ROTC), the Vice-President or the President. Not bad, right? You're probably thinking you can get at least one from a Senator or Member of Congress (which is what most people do), from the President if one of your parents served. Of course, try for the Vice-President, who can nominate around 2 or 3 people per year per academy from anywhere in the world, right?

Yeah, not so easy for me. I haven't lived in the States for 5 years. My parent's weren't in the Service. I'm not in the Service. I'm now competing with pretty much every other apllicant for a nominationf from the Vice-President, who can only give out 2 or 3 a year. Whose requests are first screened by the Academies themselves. Who needs letters of reccomendations, wants to know my hobbies, and a 3500 character essay on why I want to serve (that's about one typed page).

On the other chance, I live abroad, speak a foreign language, good GPA, no health problems (that I know of), decent physical condition... I hope it's not too much of a

(yes, the guy from X-Men)

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